
Modified on Fri, 14 Jun, 2024 at 9:42 AM

With the Axosoft modules in Make, you can:

  • watch, create, update, search, retrieve, and delete customers

  • watch, create, update, search, retrieve, and delete contacts

  • watch, create, update, search, retrieve, and delete work items

  • watch, create, update, search, retrieve, and delete tickets or incidents

  • watch, create, update, search, retrieve, and delete projects

  • watch, create, update, search, retrieve, and delete work logs

Connect Axosoft with Make

To connect Axosoft with Make, you need to obtain the Client ID and Client Secret values from your Axosoft account:

  1. Log in to your Axosoft account.

  2. Click Tools > System Settings > Axosoft API Settings.

  3. Click Manage API Keys.

  4. Click Add, enter a name for the API key and click Close.

  5. Click Manage Tokens > Non-Expiring Token.

  6. Choose the App, scope for the token, and click Create.

  7. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values to a safe place.

  8. Log in to your Make account, and add a module from the Axosoft app into a Make scenario.

  9. Click Add next to the Connection field.

  10. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  11. In the Subdomain field, enter your account URL address subdomain value. For example, https://<subdomain>

  12. In the Client ID and Client Secret field, enter the details copied in step 7, and click Save.

  13. Confirm the access by clicking Allow.


You have successfully established the connection and can now build scenarios.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, and delete the customers using the following modules.

Watch Customers

Triggers when a new customer has been created.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of customers Make will return during one execution cycle.

Create a Customer

Creates a new customer.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Company Name

Enter (map) the company name.

Company URL

Enter (map) the company website URL address.


Add the contacts for the customer. See Create a Contact.

Update a Customer

Updates a customer.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Customer ID

Select or map the Customer ID whose details you want to update.

Company Name

Enter (map) a new company name.

Company URL

Enter (map) the company's website URL address.

Get a Customer

Retrieves a customer.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Customer ID

Select or map the Customer ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Select or map an optional parameter whose details you want to include in the response. There are two options that can be used in conjunction with one another, and a third to extend all possibilities.

To specify more than one, send them in either a string array or a comma separate string:

  • Contacts: retrieves information about the contacts for the customer

  • Custom Fields: retrieves the values for each custom field set for this customer

  • All: extends to all of the above options

Search Customers

Searches for customers or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Enter (map) a keyword or a phrase to search the customers that match the specified query.


Set the maximum number of customers Make will return during one execution cycle.

Delete a Customer

Deletes a customer.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Customer ID

Select or map the Customer ID you want to delete.

Include Contacts

Select whether you want to delete the contacts of the customer.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, and delete the contacts using the following modules.

Watch Contacts

Triggers when a new customer contact has been created.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of contacts Make will return during one execution cycle.

Create a Contact

Creates a new contact.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Customer ID

Select or map the company to which the contact belongs.

First Name

Enter the contact's first name.

Last Name

Enter the contact's last name.

Can Login

If you select Yes and the contact status is Approved then the contact is allowed to log in to the Customer Portal.


Enter (map) the contact's email address.


Select or map the status of the contact. For example, Approved.


Enter (map) the contact's phone number.

Security Role

Select the contact's role. For example, project manager.

Update a Contact

Updates a contact.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose details you want to update.

Customer ID

Select or map the Customer ID to which the contact belongs.

First Name

Enter (map) the contact's first name.

Last Name

Enter (map) the contact's last name.

Can Login

If you select Yes and the contact status is Approved then the contact is allowed to log in to the Customer Portal.


Select or map the contact status. For example, Approved.


Enter (map) the contact's phone number.

Security Role

Select or map the contact's role. For example, project manager.

Get a Contact

Retrieves a contact.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact D whose details you want to retrieve.


Select or map an optional parameter to specify which additional details are requested. Currently, only one option is available, custom_fields that retrieve the values for each custom field set for this contact.

Search Contacts

Searches for contacts or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Enter a keyword or phrase to search the contacts that match the specified query.

Search Field

Select or map the column to search the contacts based on the specified value. For example, Phone.

Customer ID

Select or map the customer ID whose contacts you want to search/

Sort Fields

Select or map the fields to sort the responses.


Select or map the columns you want to include in the responses.

Group Field

Select or map the group fields to sort the responses.


Set the maximum number of contacts Make will return during one execution cycle.

Delete a Contact

Deletes a contact.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID you want to delete.

Work Items (Features)

You can watch, create, update, retrieve, search, and delete the work items using the following modules.

Watch Work Items

Triggers when a new work item has been created.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of work items Make will return during one execution cycle.

Create a Work Item

Creates a new work item.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Custom Fields

Select or map the work item type. For example, epic.

For field descriptions, see Create a Ticket.

Update a Work Item

Updates a work item.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Work Item ID

Select or map the Work Item ID whose details you want to update.

Custom Fields

Select or map the work item type. For example, epic.

For field descriptions, see Create a Ticket.

Get a Work Item

Retrieves a work item.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Work Item ID

Select or map the Work Item ID whose details you want to retreive.

Search Work Items

Searches a work item or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Project ID

Select or map the Project ID whose work items you want to search.

Include Sub Project Items

Select whether to include items belonging to the sub-projects of the project.

Include Inactive Projects

Select whether to include items belonging to inactive projects.

Release ID

Select or map the Release ID whose work items you want to search.

Include Sub Release Items

Select whether to include items belonging to the sub-releases of the release.

Include Inactive Releases

Select whether to include items belonging to inactive releases.

Assigned to Type

Select or map the option to choose the user or teams whose work items you want to search.

Assigned to ID

Select or map the User ID or Team ID whose work items you want to search.

Customer ID

Select or map the Customer ID whose work items you want to search.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose work items you want to search.

Filter ID

Select or map the Filter ID to search the work items based on the specified filter.

Sort Fields

Select or map the fields to sort the results.

Search String

Enter (map) the keyword to search the work items that match the specified query.

Search Field

Select or map the field to sort the work items.


Select or map the columns to search the work items from the specified columns.


Set the maximum number of work items Make will return during one execution cycle.

Delete a Work Item

Deletes a work item.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Work Item ID

Select or map the Work Item ID you want to delete.

Delete Subitems

Select whether you want to delete the subitems related to the work item.

Tickets (Incidents)

You can watch, create, update, retrieve, and delete the tickets using the following modules.

Watch Tickets

Triggers when a new ticket has been created.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of tickets Make will return during one execution cycle.

Create a Ticket

Creates a new ticket.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Notify Customer

Select whether or not a one-time notification should be sent to the customer contact assigned to this item.


Enter (map) the name for the ticket.


Enter (map) the ticket details.


Enter (map) any additional information about the ticket.


Enter (map) the ticket resolution details.

Replication Procedures

Enter (map) the instructions to reproduce the issue mentioned in the ticket.

Percent Complete

Enter (map) the percentage between 0 and 100 that represent the work completed on the ticket.


Select whether this ticket is archived.

Publicly Viewable

Select whether this ticket is publicly viewable.

Completion Date

Enter (map) the date on which the ticket is resolved. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Due Date

Enter (map) the date by which this ticket should be resolved. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Reported Date

Enter (map) the date on which the ticket is reported. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Start Date

Enter (map) the date on which the work on the ticket starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Assigned To

Select or map the user to whom this ticket is assigned.


Select or map the escalation type applicable to this ticket.


Select or map the ticket priority. For example, Low.


Select or map the project to which the ticket belongs.


Select or map the parent ticket to which this ticket belongs.


Select or map the release associated with the ticket.

Reported By

Select or map who has reported the ticket in the system.

Reported by Customer Contact

Select or map the contact of the customer who has reported the ticket.


Select or map the ticket severity. For example, Low Impact.


Select or map the ticket status. For example, In progress.

Actual Duration

Enter the actual time worked on the ticket in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

Estimated Duration

Enter the estimated time for the ticket in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

Remaining Duration

Enter the work hours remaining on the ticket in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

Update a Ticket

Updates a ticket.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Ticket ID

Select or map the Ticket ID whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see Create a Ticket.

Get a Ticket

Retrieves a ticket.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Ticket ID

Select or map the Ticket ID whose details you want to retrieve.

With Lock

Select whether the method should acquire and return a lock on the ticket.

Delete a Ticket

Deletes a ticket.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Ticket ID

Select or map the Ticket ID you want to delete.


You can watch, retrieve, search, and delete projects using the following modules.

Watch Projects

Triggers when a new project has been created.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of projects Make will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Project

Retrieves a project.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Project ID

Select or map the Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Enter (map) an optional parameter to specify which additional details are requested.

To specify more than one, send them in either a string array or a comma separate string:

  • Field Templates - retrieves information about the field templates set for the project, including if they are explicitly set or if they are inherited from an ancestor.

  • Workflows - retrieves information about the workflows set for the project, including if they are explicitly set or if they are inherited

  • Escalations - retrieves the specified escalation path for the project, including if it is explicitly set or if it is inherited

  • Customer Portal - retrieves the field templates for each action type (view, edit, and add) including if they are explicitly set or if they are inherited

  • Custom Fields - retrieves the values for each custom field set for this project

  • All of the above - extends to all of the above options

Search Projects

Searches for projects or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Display Inactive

Select whether you want to include inactive projects in the search results.


Enter (map) an optional parameter to specify which additional details are requested.

To specify more than one, send them in either a string array or a comma separate string:

  • Field Templates - retrieves information about the field templates set for the project, including if they are explicitly set or if they are inherited from an ancestor.

  • Workflows - retrieves information about the workflows set for the project, including if they are explicitly set or if they are inherited

  • Escalations - retrieves the specified escalation path for the project, including if it is explicitly set or if it is inherited

  • Customer Portal - retrieves the field templates for each action type (view, edit, and add) including if they are explicitly set or if they are inherited

  • Custom Fields - retrieves the values for each custom field set for this project

  • All of the above - extends to all of the above options


Select whether you want to list the projects in the flat hierarchy.


Set the maximum number of projects Make will return during one execution cycle.

Delete a Project

Deletes a project.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Project ID

Select or map the Project ID you want to delete.

Project to Move to

Select or map the Project ID to which you want to move all the associated items of the above project you are deleting.

Delete Items

Select whether you want to delete all the associated items of the project.

Work logs

You can watch, create, update, retrieve, search, and delete the work logs using the following modules.

Watch Work logs

Triggers when a new work log has been created.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of work logs Make will return during one execution cycle.

Create a Work log

Creates a new work log.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

User ID

Select or map the User ID whose work log you want to create.

Work Done

Add the duration for which the user has worked:

  • Time Unit: Select the unit of time. For example, minutes.

  • Duration: Enter (map) a numerical value indicating the duration of the work done in conjunction to the above selected unit.

Item ID

Enter (map) the ticket or incident on which the user has worked.

Date Time

Enter (map) the date for which you want to add the work log.


Enter (map) the work log details.

Work Log Type

Select or map the work log type:

  • Billable

  • Non-billable

Remaining Time

Add the remaining time to complete the work:

  • Time Unit: Select the unit of time. For example, minutes.

  • Duration: Enter (map) a numerical value indicating the duration of work in conjunction to the above selected unit.

Update a Work log

Updates a work log.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Work Log ID

Select or map the Work Log ID whose details you want to update.

Date Time

Enter (map) the date and time on which the work took place.


Enter (map) the work log details.

Work Log Type

Select or map the work log type:

  • Billable

  • Non-billable

Work Done

Enter (map) the duration of work done:

  • Time Unit: Select the unit of time. For example, minutes.

  • Duration: Enter (map) a numerical value indicating the duration in conjunction with the above selected unit.

Remaining Time

Enter (map) the remaining work hours to complete the work:

  • Time Unit: Select the unit of time. For example, minutes.

  • Duration: Enter (map) a numerical value indicating the duration in conjunction with the above-selected unit.

Get a Work log

Retrieves a work log.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Work Log ID

Select or map the Work Log ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Work logs

Searches for work logs or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Project ID

Select or map the Project ID whose work logs you want to search.

Release ID

Select or map the Release ID whose work logs you want to search.

Include Sub Releases Items

Select whether to include items belonging to the sub-releases of the release.

Include Inactive Releases

Whether to include items belonging to inactive releases.

Assigned to Type

Select or map the option to choose either a user or a customer to search the work logs.

Assigned to ID

Select or map the assignee to search the work logs related to the specified ID.

Customer Type

Select or map an option to choose the customer type:

  • Contact

  • Customer

Customer ID

Select or map the Customer ID whose work logs you want to search.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose work logs you want to search.

Item Type

Select or map the item type whose work logs you want to search.

Item ID

Select or map the Item ID whose work logs you want to search.

Start Date

Enter (map) the date to search the work logs that were created on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

End Date

Enter (map) the date to search the work logs that were created on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Set the maximum number of work logs Make will return during one execution cycle.

Delete a Work log

Deletes a work log.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.

Work Log ID

Select or map the Work Log ID you want to delete.


You can watch releases, customers, and call APIs using the following modules.

Watch Releases

Triggers when a new release has been created.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of releases Make will return during one execution cycle.

Watch Emails

Triggers when a new email has been sent/received.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Set the maximum number of emails Make will return during one execution cycle.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your Axosoft account.


Enter a path relative to For example,/v1/accounts.


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Axosoft API Documentation.



to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - Get Users

The following API call returns users from your Axosoft account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundles > Body > data.

In our example, 2 were returned:


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