User Management II

Modified on Fri, 13 Sep, 2024 at 3:26 PM


Permissions FAQs

User Permissions allow you to grant Users in your account the access they need to have within the account. This lets you make sure a User only has access to their needed Folder and/or Forms and can't access those that don't apply to them. This guide discusses how and where you can edit these permissions for your Users.


Accessing User Permissions

To edit the permissions of your Users, you'll first want to log into your Formstack account as an Admin User. Once logged in, you will click the Person icon at the top right of the screen and select User Management on the dropdown that appears.

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Note: Check out this document here for a general guide of how to edit your user or continue reading for specifics on managing user permissions. 


This will bring up a list of the Users within your account. You can select the User that you'd like to edit the permissions on this screen or click the edit button and then "edit profile". 

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Now that the User profile page has been opened, you can scroll down and select from the various areas of permissions you see at the bottom: General Permissions, Folder Permissions, Form Permissions, Smart Lists, Theme Permissions, and Credentials Permissions.

Note: Form permissions will only appear if you've granted standard Forms access under the Access to Apps section. 

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General Permissions


General Permissions allows you to set what kind of access a User has over the entire account. If this user was set as an Account Admin, they will be given full access to all content within the account and will be able to create and edit Forms, Submissions, Themes, and other Users. This will also give them access to such areas as the Billing section, API access, and the Upload Manager. You can also use this section to grant your Users the ability to create Form and Themes.

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IMPORTANT: As an Admin user, you have the option to reset data encryption passwords on encrypted forms. Doing so will also delete all of the submissions associated with that form. Click here for more information on Data Encryption. This feature can be disabled for an account upon request by the account owner.


Folder and Form Permissions


In these areas, you can set the rights Users have to specific Folders and Forms. There are three different types of permissions once a folder has been added:

  • View - Can view, search and download submitted data
  • View + Edit - Can view, search, download, and edit submitted data
  • Admin - Complete access to data, form builder, and settings
  • Folder Admins can add and modify user permissions of their folders

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Smart Lists Permissions


In this area, you can restrict the Permissions to certain Smart Lists to determine if the user can use or edit the Smart List itself. 

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Theme Permissions


In this area, you can restrict the Permissions to certain Themes to determine if the user can Use/Edit the theme or Use the theme only. You can also make it so the User has a default Theme every time they create a form.

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Credential Permissions


Here, you can set permissions to give a User access to a particular integration on a form. Please note, at this time this only works for, Smartsheet, and Hubspot integrations.

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Group Permissions


Group permissions lets you grant rights to an entire User Group, so that each of them will be given those permissions and avoid you having to go into each User to grant them individually. This can save a lot of time if you have multiple Users that should all have the same access. To gain access to Group Permissions, click the My Profile icon again and select Groups.

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Then, much like with Users, you'll select the option to add a create a Group or you can modify previously created Groups as an admin. 

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If you've chosen to create a group, you'll follow the same steps to add permissions as with individual Users, selecting from the options on the bottom Global, Folder, Form, Theme, Smart Lists and Credentials Permissions. When permission is added, that will apply to all members that are within the group. From this page you can also add which users will have access to the folder. 

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Note: If a User is given conflicting permissions between their User and Group Permissions, the highest level will win out. This means if User A is given Form Admin permission on 'Test Form' but the Group they are a member of is given View Only rights to 'Test Form', they will have Form Admin permissions as that will override the Group Permission.

Users Overview

The multi-user functionality was built specifically for teams who have multiple people logging in. For example, let's say you have a team that needs to work collaboratively on making changes to forms and templates, using data, editing data, approving submissions, and utilizing all aspects of an account and the specific Formstack products you've purchased. 

Additional users are great for agencies or web design/creative professionals who have multiple clients who require online forms for their web sites and want to give read/write/full permissions to some or all of their products.

Additional users are also great for businesses who have multiple business units that may need to create forms and access data, but don't necessarily want everyone to have the same permissions on each product. 

Key Resources

We've put together a helpful list of articles that you can reference below for the key resources you'll need when it comes to understanding how to make the most of managing Formstack Users on your account.

The difference between User role types 
How to add a User 
How to edit an existing User 
How to remove a User
Understanding how to set different User permissions 
How to manage your Users(searching and filtering)


User Limits

User limits on our different plans are as follows:
  • Starter - 1 user
  • Teams - 5 users
  • Pro - 10 users
  • Suite Starter - 1 users 
  • Suite Teams - 3 users 

If you're on a Pro level plan or higher, you can purchase users in a bundle. If you're interested, please email us at to learn more.  

Retrieving a Password

If you have lost your password or would like to reset the password, you can retrieve a password reset here:

Note that you do NOT need multiple user accounts in order to:

  • Send submitted data to multiple email recipients
  • Share submitted data using share URLs or RSS feeds
  • Allow multiple users to submit a form

Add Users in the Admin Panel

Who is this for: Organization Admins or Organization Standard Users with standard user management permissions 

On the User Management page of the Formstack Admin Panel, Organization Admins can access a list of all users across the products to which they subscribe and invite new users. 

To access the “Manage Users” section in the Admin Panel, either click on your name on the top and then on ‘User Management’ or click the Product Switcher, then “Administration”, then “Users” on the left hand side. Our Administration site can be directly accessed from

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Note: If you don't see the "User Management" option in your user menu, you may not be a Organization Admin or have the right permissions. 

Below we will take you through how to add single or multiple users.

Please note that standard users with user edit access can only add and modify standard users. 

Invite Users 

Add a Single User


Organization Admins can invite new users to an account. To do this:

Step 1: Click the ‘Add User’ button on the top right . 

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Step 2: On the following screen, enter the email address of the user, assign the Organization role (Standard or Admin), and decide which products the user will have access to. If you need a reminder on the difference between these roles, check out this article

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Step 3: Click ‘Add A User’ on the bottom right after you've filled out and selected all the relevant optionsAn invite will be emailed to the new user (learn more here) and they will display in the Admin Panel user table as a Pending user.

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Step 4: You will then be redirected to the new user’s profile page where you can update their Organization permissions, and set product permissions. The organization role and and product permissions will be carried over from the previous screen, but you'll see some additional options. For more information on editing a user, check out this article

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If needed, Organization Admins can resend the invite to the user by clicking the Actions icon as seen below and choosing ‘Resend Invite’ or by selecting the user and clicking the resend invite option above the list of users.

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Add Multiple Users


If you have a long list of users, you can easily add them to your account. Here’s how:

Step 1: Head over to your admin panel if you’re already in an App like Forms, Documents, or Sign and select “Add Multiple Users” in the top right corner.

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Step 2: After selecting, the below modal will pop up. Ensure you download a CSV that matches the Bulk User Upload CSV Template with columns for First name (optional), Last name (optional), and Email (required).

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Note: To make things easier, there's a CSV you can download from this page that will give you an idea of the format. 

Step 3: Once you have the right formatting and list of users you want to add, select “Choose File”.

Note: At this time, we allow a maximum upload of 500 users at a time.

Step 4: From there, select the Roles & Access for all users. The Roles and Access selected will apply to all users. Here’s what each Platform Role means:

  • Organization Admins: can add and remove users, adjust account-wide settings, and add additional products to their account.
  • Standard Users: Can only view and update their personal profile information and security settings.

Good news, if you need to make updates to Roles or Access after the upload, you can go into each user account or update users in bulk from the user menu.

Step 5: After you’ve uploaded your list of new users, selected the roles, and selected permissions you will confirm the upload in the below modal. Simply click Review Info and then “Upload & Assign Users” to confirm the upload.


If the upload was successful, you will see a success banner at the top of your screen like the one below. 




Error handling


There are various error messages you can receive. These messages will be delivered for a couple of reasons. When these error messages occur, it will indicate how many users were successful and how many were not. The error message will also give you the ability to see who was not uploaded and easily contact support if you’re experiencing issues. The errors you may see can be caused by the below reasons:

  • Some users on the upload list already have an account within your organization
  • Some users may have app access within a different Formstack organization. This can happen if your company has multiple Formstack accounts for different departments

Manage Users Overview

Introducing the User Management Table. This is where Organization Admins or Standard Users with user edit permissions can go to manage users across their product stack. This article will provide a brief overview of how to use this page of the Admin Panel.

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What are the different types of admins?

Formstack has two admin roles: Organization and App.

Organization Admins allow the user(s) to invite users to the account, assign platform roles, add and assign roles to new users to existing or trialing products, and edit account settings. 

App Admins are admins to a specific Formstack app (Forms, Docs, and Sign). Formstack requires at least one user on all accounts to be one. These permissions can be passed to other persons in the org so long as one person is assigned as one at all times.

For example, if your org has access to Forms and Docs and you are the only user on the org, you will be required to be an Admin user for Forms and Docs. However, if you add a second user to the org, you can assign the Forms and Docs Admin roles to the new user and then remove the Admin roles from your own user account. 

If a Organization Admin makes a change to their users that will result in the removal of the last Forms, Docs, or Sign admin, they will be required to choose a different user to take on the admin role for the appropriate app(s).



Note: Users pending invitations into the organization are not eligible to take on the app Admin role.


Search and Filter Users

Search across your entire user list using the search bar below the ‘Add Users’ button.

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Use the dropdown menu at the top of the user table to filter your users by product access. When viewing all users, you may also filter by platform access.
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When filtering by product access, it’s possible to it a step further and filter by product role.

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Adding Users


Invite users one at a time or add multiple users to your account by clicking the ‘Add Users’ or "Add Multiple Users" button above the search bar. Learn more about inviting users here.

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The User Table


When viewing all users their product and organization access can be seen as well as the last time they logged in. 

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The three dot action button will allow Organization Admins to take specific actions on a user or selected group of users including editing a user (product and organization access), triggering a password reset, removing a user, and re-sending an invite.

If you want to apply actions to a group, simply check the box of the users you’re interested in updating.

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Once you’ve selected all of the users you’re interested in updating, select the action you want to take including:

  • Edit Org Role: This is where you can change the role of the users
  • Resend Invites: Resend user invites to those who have not yet accepted
  • Remove Users: Delete users from your account

Please note if you wish to grant specific app permission access, we'd recommending selecting the action button and adjusting the individual level permission, as described in the editing a user article. 

Here’s the good news about these bulk actions, let’s say you select and admin in a group of Standard users. If you go to change the role to Admin for the bulk of users, the update will only be applied to those who are not Admins.

Once you’ve made the changes, you will see a success message at the top of your screen.

Note: Checking the box in the header will select all users visible on the page not all users in your organization.


Exporting All Users as a CSV

If you’d like to audit the users of your account, you can export a list of all users as a CSV file. It is not possible to export select users at this time.

To start, navigate to the ‘Manage Users’ table of the Admin Panel (Organization Admin access required) and click the ‘Export All to CSV’ button.

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This will automatically download the CSV file of your user list. The list will include the following information:

  • User Name
  • Email
  • Applications (a list of Formstack Apps the user has access to)
  • Status (Active vs Invited)
  • Last Login to the Formstack Admin Panel



Have any further questions? We’re here to help! Please reach out to for additional assistance with your use case.

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